How Much Electricity Do Solar Power Plants Produce?
How Much Electricity Do Solar Power Plants Produce?
In order to calculate how much electricity we obtain from solar power plants, we need to know the exact cost and installation of the solar energy system. Solar power plants are whole systems that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective, without harming the environment, through panels assembled by technical personnel according to the angle of sunlight reaching the earth.
It is known to provide the advantage of use for many years. Especially considering the climatic conditions in our country, such an investment shows that working with a sustainable energy source would be the most logical investment. The fact that it offers more advantageous price guarantees and support packages compared to other electricity generating plants increases the interest of manufacturers in this direction day by day. What is Solar Energy System and Electricity Generation? The only renewable energy source that we know does not run out forever is energy systems provided directly from the sun. It is one of the nature-friendly systems with no harmful waste. So how does this system work? The hydrogen gas that makes up a large part of the Sun consists of helium and nuclei known as fusion. The energy released during this formation is important to us. With these reactions in the sun, some energy reaches the earth. Electrical energy is obtained with the panels installed here. The value shown as electricity production in solar energy systems is Watt. Based on a rough calculation, if you have a 100 Watt energy panel, you will produce 100 Watt energy in approximately one hour. Based on 7 hours of sunlight per day (100 Watt x 7 hours), 700 Watt solar energy is produced. Solar energy panels designed for individual homes provide up to 10 KW of electrical energy per hour. We can say that even if there is 1 hour of sunbathing a day, 10000 Watt electricity will be produced for the household. If the average sunshine duration is taken as 7 hours, it can be said that 70 KW of electricity will be produced. What is the Annual Energy Production Expectation of Solar Energy? Energy systems allow us to have more or less predictions about how much energy they will produce depending on their conditions. Accordingly, you can find out how much electricity it will produce in which month of the year, based on sunshine hours, seasons, wind, installation conditions and other features, with average calculations. Solar Energy Usage Areas The usage area of solar energy is quite wide. You can see its use in factories, roofs, cold storages and many industrial areas. Solar energy systems installed on the roof, which we will briefly call SPP; It can be installed on agriculture, animal husbandry, shopping malls, hospitals, fuel stations, storage centers and OIZs. Roof type models positioned on the roof to meet the electricity needs of houses are very popular in solar power plants. Its use in places where there is no electricity, in agricultural irrigation areas, in greenhouses, in vegetable and fruit cultivation, in hot water production, in traffic lights and on traffic signs on streets has become very common in recent years. Why Solar Energy System? With the increase in industrialization, serious damage has been caused to nature, especially with non-renewable fuels. This damage has caused irreparable damage to the ozone layer. Danger signals have begun to be given in some regions due to triggering global warming. To reduce these dangers, states are now turning to cleaner energy sources. An endless renewable energy source such as the sun has become the most considered and invested resource at this point. It never creates pollution when used and does not cause any harm to nature in terms of waste. Nature is also a source of energy in its cleanest form. Solar power plants, which will provide significant savings on bills even in electricity consumption, also protect our nature and offer a healthier life. To have these systems or to get more information on the subject, you can contact our company through our communication channels on our website.